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Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights (Chapter 6)

1. Who is the narrator of this chapter? How many narrators are there in the whole of the book? Why does E. Bronte use this narrative structure?
2. Why is this chapter separated from the others? What are the rules of dividing the text into chapters? Who is the divider?
3. What are the main principles of presenting and describing the personages? What can we learn about Nell from this chapter? How is she described?
4. Is there any reported speech in the chapter? Why does the author let Heathcliff tell us about their visit to the Lintons? Compare his manner of speech with that of Nelly. Give examples.
5. Explain the role of Heathcliff's addressing to Nelly during his speech.
6. Analize the style of the text. Find examples of conversational and bookish style. How do they interact?
7. Speak about stylistic devices of expressing narrator's attitude towards people and events. Are they the same with Nelly and Heathcliff?
8. Compare the two houses - Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Granges.
9. What structures and passages are difficult to translate into Russian? Compare the original with its translation by N. Volpin. Is this translation satisfactory?


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